This newsletter is called Enough. My beloved came up with the name on our morning dog walk together. It is perfect because it reminds us of our innate worthiness, calls us back from constantly living beyond our capacity and draws boundaries to protect our energy.

I have spent four decades healing shame and remembering my enoughness. It’s been a fascinating and challenging journey. Here I will write about what I have discovered and continuing to discover along the way.

This publication is also an opportunity cultivate community. Coming together, in a meaningful way, is essential part of overcoming and healing our personal and collective overwhelm. We need to keep walking each other home. I look forward to being in community with you through this newsletter where I will share about being enough, and more.

This is a free and paid offering

This is a free resource, and some of the content will be behind the paid wall. I dedicate a significant amount of my time and energy to creating content. Over the years, I have advised many new therapists, practitioners and teachers, to avoid reinforcing the poor healer, writer, teacher archetype by giving away their work for free. I have encouraged them to create a fair and equitable energy exchange to honor the value of our work so I will follow my own advice here.

If you enjoy this offering and find it a valuable resource, please consider a yearly subscription for this newsletter ($30/year). This will give you access to all of my content, plus the ability to comment, interaction on all of my posts.

If you love my work and wish to support me on this terrifying and exhilarating writing endeavor, you can become a founding member. At the moment, I don’t have anything extra special to offer founding members, and maybe that’s okay. I am working on receiving support without something required in return. Of course, you will have my deepest gratitude and when I do have something special to share, you will be the first to know :)

That said, I also believe in making this content available to everyone, so if you would like to access this newsletter and cannot afford it, please subscribe here (free) and then send me email at requesting access.

Thank you for being here in the way that works best for you.

Subscribe to Enough by Kate Graham

This newsletter is dedicated to reminding us of our innate worthiness, calling us back from constantly living beyond our capacity and drawing boundaries to protect our energy.


A therapist for over a decade, writing about being human and being enough. Sharing thoughts on mental health, sexuality, sobriety, parenting, autism, relationships and life.